Weight & the menopause - what you need to know.

🤹The body shifts where fat is being stored.

Fat is more likely to be stored in the abdominal region. This is of concern as abdominal fat has been linked to greater risk of conditions such as insulin resistance and raised blood pressure.

🏋️‍♀️Lean body mass decreases (primarily our muscle mass)

being aware of this is important as it gives you the opportunity to focus on maintaining the muscle you do have as well as building it. Muscle mass also requires more energy to be maintained than fat mass - this is why when we lose muscle mass, we require fewer calories.

🧑‍🔬It is true that independent of menopause, lean body mass (e.g. muscle) and body fat mass do change with age.

However these changes are also affected by the menopause, independent of age. The menopause does come at a *very* busy time for women, many are at the peak of their careers, responsible for others at work and/or at home. This can make it difficult to maintain or start new routines focused on health e.g. an exercise routine or finding it difficult to make balanced food choices on the go.

The key takeaway is staying, or getting active as well as a balanced diet is talked about in every stage of life, however, in the menopause, is even more important to be aware of.

Emily Foster, RD


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